Michael Sellar

Michael Sellar is a British writer who has spent over 30 years in the natural health industry. He has worked as a consultant nutritionist, lecturer to natural health professionals, newsletter editor, and writer. He also created and managed a website for twenty years promoting the work of natural therapists in his local community. He lives in rural England.

Classic Bedtime Beverage Boosts Circulation to the Legs about false

Natural Health

Classic Bedtime Beverage Boosts Circulation to the Legs

If you’re over the age of 40, then you’re at risk for peripheral arterial disease, or PAD.PAD involves a narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the legs. The most noticeable symptom is leg

Is There A Natural Solution For Hearing Loss? about false

Healthy Aging

Is There A Natural Solution For Hearing Loss?

Almost one in three seniors experience some degree of hearing loss. This can be resolved, at least to some extent, by wearing hearing aids. Yet most folks would rather not.It begs the question, is

Eat MORE Carbs To Live Longer? The new study that turns mainstream diet advice on its head… about false

Diet & Lifestyle

Eat MORE Carbs To Live Longer? The new study that turns mainstream diet advice on its head…

When it comes to eating for a longer life, the mainstream will tell you the same old, tired advice: avoid carbs and fat. They’ll tell you to walk away from some of your favorite foods – like steak

A New Natural Solution For “Ringing In The Ears” about false

Diet & Lifestyle

A New Natural Solution For “Ringing In The Ears”

There are currently no FDA–approved treatments for tinnitus, a condition that affects 15 percent of U.S. adults, with two-thirds reporting it as debilitating. It’s not surprising that tinnitus

Is Ginger The Next Natural Pain Reliever? about false

Healthy Aging

Is Ginger The Next Natural Pain Reliever?

Whether it’s to create a tangy sauce, spicy dessert or warming drink, thepopularity of ginger in our food and beverages is a good thing, not just onaccount of its culinary qualities but because of

Nutrition And Longevity Using Food To Undo Bad Genetics about false

Diet & Lifestyle

Nutrition And Longevity Using Food To Undo Bad Genetics

Eat Your Way to a Longer, Healthier Life? How to Use Nutrition for LongevityWe all deserve to live a long, healthy life. Now, with the help of modern science, we know exactly how to increase our

Nanoplastics and Water: The Hidden Danger In Your Bottled Water about false

Diet & Lifestyle

Nanoplastics and Water: The Hidden Danger In Your Bottled Water

Since the 1970s the bottled water market in the U.S. has exploded, rising from 350 million gallons a year to 8 billion gallons in 2006, doubling to 16 billion gallons today. Why do people buy bottled

This Scent Can Relieve Stress and Increase Mental Focus about false

Brain Function

This Scent Can Relieve Stress and Increase Mental Focus

In recent years researchers have wondered if harnessing specific smells could help relieve stress and increase your mental focus, clarity, and memory recall.